Welcome to Firecalc
This is the first collaborative spreadsheet editor based on Firebase and SocialCalc, which requires no server/backend. This project has just been started by Clément Wehrung (@iclems) and is really just at its beginning: Any contribution would be highly appreciated!
- Live Simultaneous Editing
- Other clients cursors
- History Undo/Redo
- Snapshots every N operations to reduce load time
Work in progress:
- Support OT for offline work (any help appreciated ;-))
Authors and Contributors
This work is based on SocialCalc (@danb) / Ethercalc (@audreyt) and Firepad (Firebase-Adapter, Clients and Project structure have been totally inspired from @mikelehen work). Firecalc was built by Clément Wehrung (@iclems).
Clément Wehrung / @iclems / cwehrung (at) gmail.com